How It Works
We match seasoned fundraising professionals to provide pro bono coaching to worthy, small nonprofits -- groups with annual budgets of $1 million or less -- through a well-managed “matchmaker” process that identifies appropriate organizations, establishes reasonable expectations and limits, and incorporates technology to make the best use of everyone’s time and resources. Together they will assess the current fundraising program, develop a fundraising plan for individual giving, work with staff and board member(s) to implement the plan, and review progress and make improvements. Online resources are provided that include an adaptable planning model, templates, ready-to-use tools, and expert resources.
The Coach
The coach is an established fundraising professional who gives his or her time to help a growing nonprofit develop and implement an individual giving program. MatchDotDollars supports coaches with templates and other resources that can be tailored to their client organizations.
Coaches help the organization build their own capacity for fundraising. Coaches don't come with a list of donors, don't stuff envelopes for mailings, and don't solicit donors on the organization's behalf. Coaches do define and implement a fundraising plan customized to the needs of the nonprofit.
The Client
Client organizations are nonprofits with budgets less than $1 million and a commitment to improving their individual giving program. Clients pay a nominal monthly fee to retain their coaches, which MatchDotDollars believes is critical to helping organizations build a culture of investing in fundraising.