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Coaches are seasoned nonprofit fundraising professionals with expertise in some or all aspects of individual giving. We seek coaches with at least two years of full-time development experience. Coaches volunteer their time to help clients achieve their fundraising goals. MatchDotDollars coaches focus on individual giving (annual fund, direct mail, major gifts, and planned giving).


  • Clients and coaches commit to a one-year year relationship;

  • Coaches should be able to dedicate at least two hours per week to supporting their clients by email, phone, or in person;

  • Coaches facilitate a bi-weekly check-in with the client’s appointed staff member and board member to review progress and next steps by email, phone, or in person;

  • Coaches develop and share a monthly progress dashboard with client;

  • Coaches participate in the MatchDotDollars email group and quarterly check-ins with other coaches.

What to Expect

Once a coach is matched to an organization, they will begin getting to know their organization through interviews with the client’s key stakeholders (staff, board members, donors, volunteers, and/or clients) and a site visit. Then, you will help your client organization develop an individual fundraising plan that fits the organization’s mission, donors, and staff capacity. You’ll help your client organization put their plan in motion and help them surmount any stumbling blocks. Expect to spend more time with your client during the assessment and planning phases.


Evaluation and Feedback

You'll facilitate a check-in conversation with your client at a minimum of every other week evaluate their progress and review next steps to keep the plan moving.


Clients and Coaches will also be asked to fill out a regular, short survey providing MatchDotDollars with feedback on how you're both doing. If you ever need any additional support to assist in a production relationship, MatchDotDollars is here to help!


Resources for Coaches

MatchDotDollars has a library of assessment tools, fundraising plan templates, and other resources available for you to help build your client’s roadmap. If you need extra support to help your client over a particularly challenging hurdle, you’ll have access to the team of fellow coaches via the MatchDotDollars email group who can offer you with additional help.


Application process

Fundraising professionals who are interested in becoming a coach should fill out the application form. MatchDotDollars volunteers will review your application, and follow up with you to gather additional information about your experience as a fundraiser, your areas of expertise, and your availability.



We match coaches and clients on a rolling basis.


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